Author: Ranae Bettger
Company List: A Wrinkle In Time
Congratulations to the Company of Uni Theatre Arts’ Fall Play 2023.
Comedy Sportz Audition Interest Meeting
Come to Room 223 today, bring your lunch, and get information about auditioning for this years’ improvisational comedy team.
UNI Cappie Critic Application!
Uni Theatre Arts is looking for a team of 3-9 students from all grade levels who attend University High School are are interested in participating in our student theatre critic team with the Orange County Cappie Critics.
For those who are interested our Writing Workshop was August 30th at Office Hours and all applications are due by Friday September 1st at lunch, 12:10pm.
The UNI’s Cappie Critic Team will be posted on the website on Sunday September 3rd at 7pm.
Fall Play Audition
A Wrinkle In Time is this year’s Fall Play for Uni Theatre Arts. All students who attend University High School are welcome to audition as actors and/or apply to work backstage.
Students in the cast and crew are enrolled in 9th period Advanced Theatre Production to honor the time they’ve given to the rehearsal process. Aside from participation in the show, there is no additional commitment.
Questions can be directed to Miss Bettger or the stage manager Zoe Huxman.
Vocal Coach
Working with a Vocal Coach is one of the best ways to prepare for Musical Theatre auditions and festivals and is a highly encouraged practice for any actor interested in a career in the arts. Erin Miller has been working with Uni Theatre Arts since 2011. She helps students select material for the auditive process that stands out and highlight their individual skills. Erin meets students where they are at, growing them from students who are terrified to publically make noise to students who bravely sing their way into Ivy League colleges. For UNI’s convenience, Erin offers lessons in the Little Theatre weekly.